THE comparatively low cost of flights and package hotel deals makes it easier than ever before for thousands of Britons to travel the world on holiday every year.

But it is also no coincidence that some of the keenest prices for breaks in the sun involve trips to hot countries with some of the planet’s most unstable political climates.

Nations that are economically prosperous tend to be beyond our financial reach for two-week sunshine breaks.

Instead we head for places where the pound goes a long, long way – often because there is no democracy as we know it and the average citizen lives in poverty because unemployment is extremely high.

The result is that trippers can easily find themselves in the midst of violent upheaval with fighting on the streets.

Even if they are staying in purpose-built resorts with guards and perimeter fences trips to and from the airport can be hazardous as we have seen in Tunisia during the weekend.

Of course nothing can be done to change this but sunseekers need to be aware that if they travel to another continent for a ‘cheap’ break there are risks that don’t come with a vacation in the Lake District or Devon.