People must be pretty bored out of their skull if they have to set fire to their armpits to get a thrill.

What's wrong with swapping football stickers? Or going conker picking?

The jackass' antics of some young folk have made me realise one thing.

Young people are not getting more reckless or causing trouble all the time...they are just getting more stupid.

To try to get all sociological about these things is not the way forward.

If someone wants to sandpaper their stomach for twenty minutes until it bleeds let them do it.

The fact of the matter is that if we make this out to be some sort of cult-style action it will only make people want to do it more.

None more so than teenagers.

They know everything, those teenagers.

They know when they are right and when everyone else is wrong.

The more dangerous and more crazy the stunt, the more people will try to do it.

It's all about making each other believe that you are more crazy than the next person.

Oh yes, there will be times when some kid goes too far and does something completely outrageous, but what can the authorities really do about it?

It is very difficult to police someone who wants to pierce his eyelids or drink his own urine.

And I am no conspiracy theorist but there is something quite sinister going on in the world today.

My best friend (TV) has turned against me and has been taken over by that Celebrity Big Brother show.

I hate the fact that people talk about it and those who don't watch it are expected to know something about what is going on.

And if you don't know what is going on you are expected at least to know who is in there.

I couldn't care less.

The worst thing is in another couple of months I'll have to put up with a whole summer full of Big Brother news and updates.

You might say I have a choice and can turn the channel but I can't.

The other TV channels have given up hope and intentionally put their worst programmes on at the same time.

Ever since they stopped showing the best bits (first series) Big Brother irritates me more than anything else.

If I want to see a group of freaks making complete idiots of themselves in the hope someone is watching I'll check out that website with the guy who nailed his Brazil nuts to a tree.