“You’ve got one wish,” the genie grunted, smoothing out his dishevelled form after years crumpled in a bottle.

“Gimme the body of a god!” demanded the self-seeking lamp-rubber.

Whoosh! Went the genie’s wand – “Buddha!”

A newly-crowned king called Solomon once got a similar offer as he worshipped (1 Kings 3).

“Ask!” commanded God, “what shall I give you?”

How would we have answered on this January morning? Long-life? Riches? The demise of our enemies or problems?

Of course, this was no genie daydream for Solomon. Suddenly, here was the God who’d helped his dad, King David, slay the giant Goliath, wrestle lions to death, and establish Israel as an empire with a people too numerous to number.

“Give me an understanding heart,” pleaded Solomon, “so that I might know right from wrong.”

Imagine what we’d be like today if just a few of our leaders had prayed the same prayer. If they’d put aside demands for duck houses or moat-cleaning services; if bankers had forsaken gambling with our money; if, after we’d bailer them out, they’d said sorry and shared their big fat bonuses with their saviour?

Solomon knew in his heart who really ruled this world. He knew he didn’t. His authority was simply delegated from the divine.

And thus did Solomon get his wisdom, because the One in charge was pleased with his answer.

Miracles can still happen. God’s still around. It’s not too late for Gordon, or David, or even Nick.

Remember how great Britain became when it followed true Wisdom?