I tried to ignore the endless TV bulletins and news snippets but this week I cracked.

Deep in a recession with bad news at almost every turn I now have to put up with daily updates on the Peter Andre and Jordan break-up.

So, they broke up.

Who honestly cares?

One uninteresting woman with loads of money has decided to break-up with another well-off uninteresting man.

And we have to put up with each of them blaming the other for the split.

It seems there is actually a part of these people that wants us to feel sorry for them.

But I have yet to meet someone who does.

Oh, like the song says: “Breaking-up is never easy”.

But I kind of feel there are a fair few people who are sick and tired of Peter Andre and Jordan.

Does their separation really deserve this amount of column inches?

I like it when people argue about things but in this instance there really was no argument.

For those of you who are not clued-up on the finer details of the D-list celebrities’ lives, let me enlighten you: Andre says Jordan was with some other fella. Jordan says she wasn’t.

And it all turned nasty when there were pictures of her in compromising positions.

And then she said she loved him and he said it was too late and so on and so forth.

Eventually they split.

The fact remains that unless this news was rammed down my throat on a daily basis I would have been none the wiser.

I could not have cared.

But this week I typed in Peter Andre into Google news and 818 articles came-up.

The funniest thing is that when they split they requested that “the media respect their family’s privacy at this difficult time”.

But someone somewhere is intent on making my life a misery.

Said ‘someone’ wants me to know this irrelevant news, and thus is ignoring the fact that things have gotten pretty depressing all round this summer.

There are more people unemployed than ever, the swine flu thing won’t go away, and we’ve come to realised that the weathermen got it wrong and the sun isn’t going to make an appearance after all.

And on top of all that every so often they keep telling us ‘there’s going to be an upturn in the economy’.

Maybe, someone could turn then lights out on the Andre-Jordan break-up and do us all a favour.