One couple I knew made love on the first and third Saturday nights of each month.

He earned the wage, did the hoovering, rubbish and washing-up while she ironed, cooked, cleaned and paid the bills.

They had rigid – some might say frigid – demarcations to order their marriage.

Not unlike my religious upbringing.

Me and God sort of met each weekend.

For some pious reason it began by eating fish on Friday, Saturday confession confirmed what a so-and-so I’d been, making me spick and span for Sunday.

So long as I did this and a few other mechanical things, my duty appeared to be done.

Reducing relationships to basic rules has limits as MPs found out re expenses.

So long as they kept to the lifeless letter of the law they could get you and me to buy them whatever they fancied.

And I wonder this week if we’re not about to make the same mistake with the long-awaited White Paper designed to protect us from future economic and banking shenanigans.

Do we humans really need more regulation to hide behind, or should we rather be injecting a few Christian values about loving our neighbours and doing unto others as we would have them do unto us? God told Old Testament Isaiah that one day he would write his loving law on all hearts willing to receive it – the Maker’s recipe for success.

It seems God’s White Paper needs to be etched within in addition to any human political correctness scribbled without.