THERE comes a time when ‘Enough’s enough', as we say round here.

For me, that came when I opened my European postal ballot after 28 days of MP exposés.

I wanted to show how cross I was rather than give out a cross, and I wanted to oust politicians from sleazy complacency.

A quiet, peaceful smile crossed my face when my postal ballot informed me that The Christian Party wanted my vote.

They got it! 'Hope they're standing for the General Election in Hyndburn,' I mused (and prayed). They weren't. Either I put up or shut up.

Reason then raised its head above emotion. Aren't Christians to be light and salt inside existing structures and parties? Isn't that the sensible option for sensible times?

I'd always thought so, but now times didn't seem sensible, not when I was buying MPs’ ducks a first home, and MPs themselves a second, and then a 'flipping' third and fourth home.

There’s a time when Governments stop listening, like in Iran this week. Iranians are not being shy, retiring influences for fairness inside the one-party state. They’re out on the streets demanding a new party.

We’ve reached such a time. Every MP has been guilty, whether by commission or omission, and now is the time for all good men and women to come to the aid of, not the parties, but the country.

I want to help bring it about, and so I’m planning to stand for a reform alternative: for a Christian heritage manifesto that says we’ve lost that which made us great as Britain, and we want it back.