For the first time, the lid has been lifted on just what our MPs claim on expenses.

East Lancashire’s MPs have claimed for everything from televisions and groceries to a dry-stone wall, bedding and beer glasses.

Thousands of pounds have also been paid out for phone bills, cleaning services and renovations for second homes, either here in the county or in London.

In total, about 1,000 pages containing the details of just our MPs’ expense claims have been published – the first time the details have ever been made officially public.

They show the true extent of the expenses ‘gravy train’ and the claims culture that has been rife in Parliament.

It is true to say that all the claims are legitimate and payments have only been made by the Commons Fees Office when they fall within the rules.

But morally it has to be questionable whether these claims should ever have been made.

At a time of economic hardship for many, with job losses continuing to rise, our MPs should take a good hard look at their behaviour.

The whole thing has been a shameful exercise and hopefully one that following parliamentary reform will not be repeated in the future.