MOURNER Phylllip Cadwallader was ejected from Blackburn Cathedral just because of the way he looked.

The 43-year-old keen runner had wanted to light a candle in memory of his mum and stopped by the cathedral on his way to a race.

But when cathedral staff saw his closely cropped hair they feared he was a member of the BNP come to disrupt a live radio broadcast about concentration camp victim Anne Frank.

He was asked to leave and spoken to by police outside who searched his bag, an experience which he says was deeply embarrassing.

Following the incident, Canon Chris Chivers apologised to Mr Cadwallader for any distress caused.

And he explained that staff were on their guard because a previous radio event was sabotaged when someone pulled out wires used for the broadcast.

It’s a sad day when someone cannot walk into a church to spend some quiet time remembering a loved one and is judged because of their appearance.

But it is equally sad that diocese staff feel the need to be on their guard against people intent on causing trouble in the cathedral.

In this instance, a little common sense and the courtesy of asking Mr Cadwallader about the reason for his visit would have prevented this embarrassing incident.