PERHAPS it’s me. Perhaps I'm turning into a Mary Whitehouse character.

But I really don’t want to hear a little boy telling his mum he “wants to poo at Paul’s” when I'm sitting on the couch eating my tea.

The advert for Glade Touch and Fresh has got to be one of the most irritating on TV at the moment.

But unfortunately for us viewers, it’s far from being an isolated incident.

There are tons of annoying adverts on telly at the moment.

Not least the Ped Egg.

Now there’s another one that’ll put you right off your tea — particularly if you're tucking into a nice spaghetti bolognese when they demonstrate emptying the Parmesan-like dried skin into the bin. Yuk.

For sheer want-to-punch-the-telly irritability factor, though, you'd be hard-pushed to beat the “Volvic challenge” ad featuring the cocky man who shows us how to drink more water in the day.

“I'll have a cheeky Volvic,” he says without a hint of sarcasm.

If one of your mates said that in real life you’d disown them immediately.

When he comes up at the end with a baseball glove and shouts: “Watch out boys!” then runs off, you just hope he falls flat on his face just off camera.

When you think about it, there are loads of maddening adverts on the box.

The BT ones with that annoying man from My Family and his drippy girlfriend; Nat West, where some patronising little twit talks about looking after “our” savings; the Duffy Coke ads; the toilet roll ad where the baby is the chairman of the company; compare the meerkat . . . the list goes on.

And then we get to Iggy Pop flogging car insurance. I mean, that’s just tragic. Surely things couldn’t have got that bad, Iggy? Couldn’t you have just gone on I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here! or something instead?

One advert that’s so bad it’s almost good is the Picture Loan ad.

“Wow, that’s a lot less than what we're paying now,” says the man who is patently way too dim to be trusted to keep up the repayments on such a large loan.

I love the bit where he mouths “Twenty-five thousand?” to his partner to check, as if you wouldn’t have discussed taking out such a large loan before actually phoning up.

There are a few good ones at the moment though.

I love the Mikado one where the boss catches his assistant straddling the photocopier to reach the chocolates on the top shelf.

And I used to enjoy the Foxy Bingo ads until my dad told me that it’s obvious that inside the Foxy costume it’s a woman because of the way he moves. Now Foxy just looks a bit creepy. See for yourself. It totally ruins it.

Some adverts never change. Like the DFS adverts — when will the sale end? It’s been going on for, like, 20 years.

I say they should just bring back the Cadbury’s Smash robots.