ARSENAL’S decision to allow national flags back into the Emirates Stadium is a victory for common sense – and Blackburn Rovers fans.

Their ban, which had been in place since 2006, was over the top. No other leading club has a similar policy and it is surprising that it has taken so long for football fans to challenge it.

The Havelock Blues, who raised the matter when their flag was confiscated earlier this year, can rightly see the u-turn as a victory for them.

Arsenal also deserve some credit for recognising that the policy was wrong, and posting the seized flag back to the fans.

They introduced the ban after there was trouble at the ground involving Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot supporters.

The club said that they wanted the ground to be inclusive of all fans and felt national flags could be a barrier against this.

But flags should be a source of national pride.

In years gone by, the Union Flag was hijacked to a certain degree by far-right groups.

Over the last couple of years there has been a concerted effort to reclaim it as a symbol of pride.

Later this month the flags are certain to come out when England celebrates St George’s Day.

This is how it should be. People should be allowed to celebrate their country without fear of being labelled racist.