ISN'T Sky Plus the best invention ever?

It’s is the friend that will never let you down.

The mate who will cater to your every whim; provide comedy when you're down, and information when you need it.

I genuinely believe it’s improved our quality of lives as a nation.

If there was some award for the best invention of the last decade, Sky Plus would get my vote, above any GHDs, Party Feet, BlackBerrys or Tom Toms.

Of course, it's a bit uncool to admit you're a TV addict.

I’m not sure why but being a film buff is seen as something to aspire to, whereas being able to draw every family tree in Corrie is seen as a bit sad.

But for us unashamed TV addicts, Sky Plus is a gift.

Never again do you have to choose between having a social life and not missing a crucial episode of The Sopranos, or the final of Big Brother.

Never again do you have to cross your legs when you're dying for the loo and don't want to miss the end of University Challenge.

If Ian Beale said something too quickly for you to catch the first time round, no worries, just rewind it a bit.

And, best of all, you never have to watch another advert again.

I pride myself on my ability to fast-forward x30 and stop it at the precise moment the show is about to re-start after a break.

This magic little box is also a safeguard against boredom.

In fact, this is probably its biggest plus. Sky Plus is like a “break glass in case of emergency” button when it comes to boredom.

How can you have nothing to do if you’ve got 53 episodes of Sex and the City backed-up?

I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Sky Plus had saved thousands of relationships either.

No longer do couples have to have the argument over whether to watch Paris Hilton's British Best Friend or Ross Kemp on Gangs — just Sky Plus one of them.

It’s a good way of showing affection too. I loved when my boyfriend thoughtfully recorded Ugly Betty for me without being asked.

It does, of course, have its down sides. The percentage of memory we have available is a sore point in our house.

I enjoy the tension of having just one or two per cent memory left so you never know if your next recording is going to bump something off the system.

If my boyfriend got his way we’d be cruising at the 23 per cent free mark at all times.

But what’s a few per cent between friends when it comes to something as great as Sky Plus?