Hallelujah! I won't have to go to jail, so ruled the House of Lords this week.

A small majority of our ermine-clad overlords ruled that my defence of free speech was wholly acceptable in our modern democratic society.

Of course, it wasn't a personal ruling. I, together with thousands of others, protested that the Incitement to Homophobic Hatred bill took away our freedom to gently explain that God is not best pleased with some human sexual behaviour.

The defence accepted by the Lords read, "As Christians we believe that all people, regardless of sexual orientation, are made in the image of God and are loved equally by him.

"Whilst we are, therefore, strongly committed to demonstrating God's love for all people, including lesbians, gays and bisexuals, this must not prevent us from being free to express bible-based objections to same-sex sexual practice.

"Our prayer is that all people, regardless of sexuality, would find God and his best for their lives."

Now, I do realise that some of hallelujahs may be more muted than mine, or even non-existent among those who think that the biblical view of homosexuality is wrong.

But even for pro-gays, this lordly ruling is vital.

If once we make it illegal to honestly criticise the practices of others, then not only Christianity is in peril, so too is every person whose views differ from current political correctness.

Cherish this ruling this week as preciously as you cherish your God-given liberty.