MY dad always had his tea in a pint pot (do they still make them)?

He used to tuck the newspaper under his arm, pick up the pint pot of tea and vanish to the loo.

Then I thought it was because daddies took a lot longer in the loo than little girls.

Now I know it was to read the paper in peace.

But that's the thing about childhood, you accept the status quo because you have no experience of anything else.

What you have, is what you think there is.

Sadly we are now seeing part of a generation brought up without any grounding in manners, social interaction, basic civility even, children who never eat at a table, don't have pleasant conversations over family meals.

Instead they are isolated watching TV unsupervised, with no strong role models or work ethic.

Is it any wonder they end up with problems?

The solution? I wish I knew, but paying out benefits to the fit and healthy is not one of them.