I've lately taken to wondering how I can change my hum-drum existence.

Give it a bit of a shake-up, a 'New Year, New You' sort of thing - so what if January 1 was three months ago, there's no set time to reinvent yourself.

I got to thinking how I could do this, and came to the conclusion that what I lack is a role model.

Other women have them - a great many, if reports in the magazines I read at Sainsbury's checkout are to be believed. Women across the country model themselves on Victoria Beckham, Kate Moss, and Sienna Miller.

But me? I take no notice of what Victoria Beckham is wearing, where she shops, or what she eats.

I don't know which labels Kate Moss prefers, what make-up she wears and where she holidays, and I couldn't care less about who Sienna Miller is dating.

I now realise that this ignorance is not helping me at all.

I'm beginning to feel out of step, a fuddy duddy.

I feel that if I'm to get a life before its too late, I need to move with the times.

The problem is, who is it to be? I can't possibly copy all of them, although I'm tempted.

With Victoria's clothes, Kate's diet and Sienna's love life I'd be the coolest chick in town.

But I'm going to have to be realistic. I'd be lucky to get any of Victoria's clobber beyond my ankles, I'd have to stop eating for a couple of years and work out 62 times a day to get my figure looking anything like Victoria's.

And although I know Sienna's male companions would jump at the chance to be seen on my arm, I have to bear in mind that I am married.

So they're out for a start. Then who is it to be?

Of course - why didn't I think of her before? I should have done, particularly as she was recently voted the nation's top fashion role model.

Coleen Mcloughlin is a huge influence on British women's style, with vast swathes of women spending a fortune trying to look like her.

She could be the one. After all, my figure isn't a million stone away from hers.

But do I like her style? Leather jackets, tight jeans, leopard print tops, Ugg boots, designer handbags.

No. In fact, I'd go out of my way to avoid those garments and accessories.

And, however skilful he is on the football field, I don't want the likes of Wayne Rooney suddenly coming on to me.

If I'm to find a role model I'm going to have to come up with someone whose style and character I admire.

One of my friends once commented that I dressed like Alice on the Vicar of Dibley, and behaved a bit like her too. I was about to slap her but when I thought about it, I realised that she was right. At least about the clothes. I'm think I'm marginally more mature - more like Owen.

"What about someone off The Apprentice?" one of my daughters suggested.

Actually, I thought, that's not a bad idea. I could stick on a suit, and stride around telling everyone how great I am and how I would kill my best friend to get where I want to be in business.

Maybe I'm better off just being myself after all.