There's all this hoo-ha about rubbish collections.

I stamp on big plastic milk bottles to make them flat so that I can get more in - no not my bin - Bill's boot.

For he now does a twice weekly run to the recycling centre taking stacks of paper and plastic and that's just from three of us.

I wouldn't care but when we go supermarket shopping we take our own bags, it's no trouble as the bags live permanently in the boot.

What does surprise me is that no one else seems to bother.

I would have though that with all this talk about conserving the earth's resources at least the 'older end' would have got into the habit of taking their own bags.

Folk have trollies piled high with 10 or more bags. What do they do with them?

They obviously don't bring them back, so remember, from now on Margo is watching you!