How can a simple argument over a plate lead to such a life-changing admission?

I have come to a decision that women are generally cleverer than men.

They are better at everything than we are. In fact if you pitted two men against two women the two guys would end up fighting over who got to go out with the better looking woman.

Men generally are weak in nature. We have no idea about what a chore is and why it needs to be done.

I come home and eat and don't wash my plate. My wife will tell me that I am a lazy so-and-so and should at least wash my plate.

I reply by saying that maybe if I had married some bird from abroad I wouldn't have to wash a plate.

She tends to pause at this point.

I know what is coming but I am not quite prepared for it.

She answers me by saying that there is still time for me to go and get married abroad and if I want to she will even even pay for the plane ticket.

It is at this juncture I realise that I am not going to win this argument and should go about my business as if nothing has happened.

Much like Tony Blair I do not want to be remembered as a complete failure so it is best to get out when you have a little dignity left.

Of course for the woman this is an almost impossible task for she now holds this point against me and will bring it up at the most inappropriate moment imaginable.

Like a when I get a flat tyre or when I just happen to trap my finger in a door.

There is always a link..."Maybe if you had got married to that woman from abroad you wouldn't have this problem."

I know there is some bloke in a pub somewhere reading this, chuckling to himself.."This guy needs to stand up for himself more..."

To which I reply there is no point. Once a man loses the plate argument there is no going back.

You can sit up at all hours of the night trying to figure out how you lost the plate argument but you won't figure it out.

I know this because I have met many a man who has lost the plate argument.

Some of them lived to tell the tale, some of them did not.

Some of them are allowed out, some of them are not.

But one thing is for sure. Once they lost the pate argument things were never the same again.