Somewhere this week I've read about a school not being allowed to enforce the school uniform.

Now I believe in school uniforms, they are a way to resolve the problem of the dreaded designer disease' that seems to affect today's young children, not to mention their parents.

Uniforms foster a sense of unity, of belonging. The armed forces, police, firemen, all of course understand this, realising that uniforms help with authority, order, visual equality and recognition.

If a child goes to a school they should be made aware that it is their job to obey its rules and regulations and parents should back the school, and by doing so give the child a sense of responsibility.

The importance of belonging' to a school, a club, a country, or a race is inherent in us all; it gives us pride, and hopefully the urge to make that club or whatever proud of us.

When I'm abroad I'm proud to be British, and when I'm home here in Britain I'm proud to be English, funny isn't it?