I WAS at a civic society meeting where Canon Andrew Hindley gave a very interesting talk about the new development to be built in the cathedral grounds.

It seems to be a well thought-out scheme that will add some presence to the Boulevard — which is the first impression that visitors coming from the station get of our town.

I have to say, it’s not an inspiring one, with double- decker buses blocking the view of our great cathedral.

Queen Victoria’s statue was causing a little concern, with the question being asked ‘should she stay, or should she be moved to another site?’ Well, I’m a little biased and have to admit to a certain fondness for her, as in my youth the good old Queen was the meeting place for my dates.

It just also happened to be where the Green Lane buses stopped, so if any of my mum’s friends saw me I could conveniently say I was waiting for a bus home.

The snag was if a bus came in while they were talking to me, then I would have to get on and get off at the Post Office, telling the conductor that I’d got on the wrong bus!

Oh my goodness, the deceptions of youth!

I wouldn’t care, but the nice young man I was going out with at the time was in the Church Lads’ Brigade. I mean, could you get any more respectable? I really would like to know what happened to him.

n Now, I want your help. I’m sure many other people feel, like I do, that Blackburn needs a push – but to where?

Tell me what is it we lack, what addition would enhance your, or your children’s, lives?

We lost a lot when the market square and the open air market went, because now we have no focal point, no meeting place, no interaction.

My friends, from out of town, who used to come, without fail, every market day, never come now and when asked why, they say well, it’s the same as any other town now.

What they used to come for was our great outdoor market.