Police today slammed the defendants' 'disrespectful' parents for laughing and joking at times during the investigation into Sophie Lancaster's murder.

After today' verdict, Det Supt Mick Gradwell, senior investigating officer at Lancashire Police, said that when Brendan Harris was initially interviewed about the assaults he was "laughing and joking" with his mother.

"The interviewing officer had to speak to Harris's solicitor to make sure they knew the gravity of the situation because they were laughing and joking.

"The general attitude of the defendants' parents during the whole process has been appalling.

"Sophie's mother also commented to us that the three defendants who were convicted of assaulting Robert Maltby were sniggering at her outside court before the start of the trial."

Det Supt Gradwell added: "I do not think Ryan Herbert and Brendan Harris have recognised how violent the attack was. There was no reason for it.

"They have just done it without thinking but they have seemed to have enjoyed it and carried on remorselessly kicking at two very defenceless people who were unable to protect themselves because of the level of violence inflicted upon them.

"Their behaviour that night was that they were doing what they wanted with their parents doing nothing about it or not knowing about it. There was a total lack of parental control.

"I am very critical of some of the parents involved. I really don't think they have taken completely seriously how repulsive this incident was."