THE Ribble Valley will be alive to the sound of music this weekend as the Beatherder Festival comes to Sawley.

With a variety of stages featuring dance music, live bands and top DJs it promises to be a memorable events and for Aussie roots singer Ash Grunwald it’s one of the highlights of his summer.

“Nothing can best performing live in front of a crowd that’s really up for it,” said Ash.

The modern-day equivalent of a one-man band, Ash gives his live shows an extra dimension by beating out a rhythm on a special box at this feet while playing the guitar and singing.

“When I plug in the electric guitar it gets pretty wild,” he admits.

“I like to bring modern influences, music that I’ve grown up with, into the mix alongside traditional roots and blues.”

Ash is currently on his second tour of the UK and he’s winning fans wherever he plays.

“I’m having a really interesting time,” he said. “No-one has really heard of me in this country.

“I’ve always wanted to contribute my own sound. I don’t believe in not offering anything unique and hopefully I’ll get an audience going.

“Because a lot of my influences come from dance music I relly look forward to playong in the UK because dance music as a whole is more accepted over here and as a result you get a more knowing audience.”

He may be a roots musician with a love of dance but Ash is still very much an Aussie at heart.

“I’m from Victoria and for about five or six years lived in Western Australia which is pretty remote.

"But the people there really love their music and love to party which has led to me being the performer I am.

“When you’ve got a party crowd you’ve got to turn it up a bit and belt it out for them.”

Ashj will be performing ojn the main BEatherder Stage at the festival tomorrow.

Among the other artists taking part will be Utah Saints, Misty in Roots the Notsensibles and the Dub Pistols.

There will be nine different stages and venues in the Sawley countryside offering a variety of music and entertainment from today until Sunday.

Tickets will be available on the gate from midday today priced at £65.

For further details about the festival visit the website