So, registration to vote has closed for the impending General Election. I'm already getting fed up with we'll spend £x billions on this, we'll give this to this group, that to that, we'll appoint x more nurses, y more teachers, z more midwives tenor of the process.

Political poker, bid for you bingo, wager to win? Not much talk of libraries, museums, youth & community centres, parks, leisure centres...those things that are the finishing touches to everyone's quality of life? The old adage about knowing the price of things, but not their value, comes to mind.

Perhaps "they" think that's what "we" want to hear? I'm glad to be proscribed from party political activity.

But I digress! About 45 million of "us" are registered to vote. Is this a democratic right or a responsibility? In how many parts of the world are democratic rights non existent or a sham? How many famous & not so famous people been imprisoned or worse for seeking the right to have a democratic vote, a say in their own destiny?

So 45 million are registered, including about another 1.5 million who have registered in recent weeks. That leaves some 7 million who are not registered! That's around 10 thousand people per constituency, well above most MP's majorities.

So, we're bound to get the "they don't understand us", "they're all the same" brigades! But if those 10 thousand did vote, "they" could make a difference! 15% of Britain's electorate won't be voting for definite & if we get to 70% turnout, that's around 21 million of some 52 million not exercising their democratic right!

I don't get it! I do not get it! Please explain!