A dream job has just come onto the market as a conservation charity is on the hunt for ‘seal sitters’.

The Manx Wildlife Trust (MWT) is looking for volunteers to help observe and monitor seal pups along the coastline of the Isle of Man.

Seal Sitters would need to stay with animals to make sure that they are not distressed or injured on the coastlines while helping “vital” marine conservation work.

MWT has also shared they are looking for more people to join their marine strandings team.

Manx Wildlife Trusts are looking for seal sitters

Speaking to BBC News, Marine Wildlife officer Lara Howe said that seal pups typically need help when on “less than suitable beaches” when trying to rest.

Adding that strong winding weather can make conditions difficult for the seal pups.

In data collected by MWT, they found that the work by volunteers is “invaluable” and makes a difference to the well-being of the animals.

You can find out more information on seal sitters via the MWT website here.

Explaining the role, Lara shared that seal sitters stay with seals until they have returned to the sea or place signage to make beachgoers aware and to give the animal space.

Lara added that to be successful in the role, volunteers will need a “strong stomach” as they will also be tasked with collecting data on dead animals.

The data is used for the Cetacean Standings Investigation Programme that is run by the Zoological Society of London who use it build up research on the cause of death, disease, contaminations and reproductive patterns.