IN response to the comment from Ruth Loft who runs Beardwood Support Group.

Our organisation will hopefully be something which works in conjunction with existing groups in the area and not in competition.

With regard to my treatment throughout my illness, I have nothing but the highest praise for everyone I came into contact with.

I am certain the Beardwood group offers a great service, but in my case, the first meeting after discharge from hospital was only five days after my operation and the second meeting clashed with a prior appointment.

What Pink Ladies want to offer, amongst other things, is someone to be there, if required, immediately after diagnosis, to offer a listening ear using volunteers who have been through breast cancer or are undergoing treatment.

I understand Ruth would want to let people know about their services, but we want to offer something to will enhance what already exists.

If anyone would like to be a volunteer or wants to know more about East Lancs Pink Ladies, I can be contacted on 01254 871505.

JAN PETTITT (by email).