MARGO Grimshaw said in her column she wanted the Prime Minister and Gordon Brown to go, now.

Why? They are overwhelmed by personal ambition. Of course they are!

If they were English would she be saying the same thing? Of course not.

Her reasoning is laughable. England is a multi-cultural society or hasn't she noticed?

Is Margo saying there should only ever be an English Prime Minister?

The PM represents the United Kingdom, not just England.

Some English people are up in arms about issues regarding how the government funds the Scottish and I totally agree, it is very wrong and we should be angry about this.

The Scots per head get an extra £1,500. It is disgusting and very unfair when you think their students go to university for free and our students have to skimp along, getting into debt.

The problems in the UK have been brewing since before Tony Blair's time, with Englishmen at the helm, and the nation has happily sat back and said nothing.

No good moaning about Tony now - who put him in?

Tony needs to take stock and it certainly has nothing to do with his ambition or being Scottish by birth.

MARGO WICKS, (via email).