IN the name of art we have had smelly bed-linen, pickled animals, a tin can and various other monstrosities foisted upon us by the so-called art world.

This has to be a huge con trick.

If private investors want to invest their own money in this nonsense, then well and good.

However, when taxpayers money is being wasted on such obscenities, then it is time to call a halt.

By dint of much lobbying, the Mid-Pennine Arts organisation has been pushing this ridiculous panopticon project for some time, and with some success (LT, Sept 14).

Why have they had this success? Why have some councillors in some areas actually pushed the project?

It would appear obvious from the results in certain areas that the general public was against the idea - they have , anyway, far more pressing commitments in life, like existing"

Art is very difficult to define, but just look at what this project set out to achieve locally.

As for our fabulous, expensive Ringing Singing Tree, how close does one have to get to it in order to hear it?

(Perhaps it could be used to pre-warn of hurricanes. Or then perhaps it would blow down).

Think of the many useful ways £1million could be spent.

R BRACEWELL, Ormerod Street, Worsthorne.