I am writing in response to both Mr P Astoni’s letter (LT, July 22) and Mrs C Fielding’s letter (LT, July 19).

Firstly, having visited the market several times, I must agree with Mrs Fielding that it is not well set out.

The food hall section is reasonably good but I find it difficult to locate certain stalls in the dry goods section.

It seems to me (and many others I have spoken to) that in trying to get away from the uniform straight aisles of yesteryear, they have gone overboard with a random pattern that is not at all easy to understand.

Mr Astoni’s suggestion to use the escalator to get your bearings is absolute rubbish: most of the dry goods stalls are nowhere near the escalators, plus finding them can be a problem if you approach from the Boulevard.

My last comment to Mr Astoni is that the whole point of ‘sprucing up’ the shopping centre was to attract more people to shop in Blackburn – not, as he suggested, to send them all shopping on line!

L J Maylor (Mrs) (via email).