people who say Alternative Vote (AV) helps the BNP and other extremist/racist parties are mistaken. The opposite is the case.

In 2002, the BNP won three council seats under first-past-the-post (FPTP).

They averaged only 28 per cent of the vote but still won.

Under AV it would have been highly unlikely that any of these candidates would have reached the required 50 per cent following redistribution of other candidates’ second or even third preferences.

This is because supporters of mainstream parties will not give their second, third or even fourth votes to racist parties.

The BNP and similar have very little prospect of incr-easing their vote beyond the first ballot. This is why the BNP urges its supporters to vote against AV.

So just bear in mind when you vote that if you say yes to FPTP, you’re doing what the BNP wants.

Rabbi Michael Gold, Jewish National Fund, Manchester.