IN REPLY to S Read's letter (LT, August 7) on the question of loud music from cars.

You say you have friends who enjoy playing loud music from their cars and that they are very nice people.

I always thought nice people respected and thought of other people first.

Also please explain why the music has to be loud?

Any medical person will tell you that over a period of time, most forms of loud noises cause hearing problems, music included.

I am not surprised this country, and the world is the sorry state it is in.

It is people's attitudes of I'm all right Jack' and man's inhumanity to their fellow man.

It is not just a short blast of music which causes windows to shake, but a deafening noise on more than one occasion during the day.

The problem is worse at weekends.

Also I should like to point out that some forms of noise, music among them are illegal under the Noise Abatement Act.

I think you and your nice friends still have some growing up to do.

H HAMER, Lowther Place, Blackburn.