IF anyone is genuinely interested in learning the causes and putting an end to Islamic terrorism, then one only has to look at Britain and America's response at the Lebanon-Israel conflict.

Both countries have yet to condemn Israel for their brutal assault and are standing by and watching Israel wreak havoc.

Why is it when a suicide bomber kills innocents, it's so justifiably condemned, yet when an ally kills 10 times as many innocents, no one bats and eyelid and simply agrees to it.

It is this one-sided hypocrisy that drives Muslim men towards becoming fanatics.

Israel can be trusted and is allowed to build and use its arsenal, yet other countries aren't.

Israel is allowed to break UN resolutions, yet other countries aren't.

Most people assume it was UN terrorists that provoked America and started the war on terror.

No, it was 50 years of misguided British and American foreign policy and constant Israeli bias that gives cause to fanatics.

Most Muslims understand it takes two to tango. Israel and Hezbollah and the Palestinians are all in the wrong.

Yet the politicians, even in this conflict, always seem to be siding with Israel.

ASIM DITTA, Buncer Lane, Blackburn.