Reading the Lancashire Telegraph I had to smile, more in sadness than amusement, at the offices that installed hot drinks dispensers because they deemed it dangerous to allow workers to use a kettle.

I presume these are the same brainstormers that turn a blind eye to cyclists riding their machines on the footpath, surely a much more dangerous practice than brewing up.

But then again, it’s hard to imagine how these people’s brains work.

Footpath cycling should come into the category of dangerous driving and fines applied accordingly.

The other day I was obliged to hang about on Penny Street in Blackburn town centre for about 25 minutes.

In that time, 15 bikes passed me (I did count them) all on the footpath – 14 being ridden and one law-abiding citizen pushing his.

The point is, what would any rational-thinking person say was the more dangerous – making a brew or swerving and skidding about on a pushbike in a busy shopping precinct? I rest my case. John Smith (via email).