IN November my brother was taken, critically ill, into Blackburn Royal Infirmary.

I rushed there and parked on Ivy Street car park where I got a parking ticket.

This was paid several weeks later to the tune of £60.

Then I received another parking ticket with a demand for £90 that I knew nothing about.

This I consider extortion. I retired at the beginning of this year and my income is limited.

On March 4 I fell on the ice and broke my ankle, the medical staff at the Infirmary have been ace.

When I went to have my plaster removed staffing was low and there were long waits.

One young mother had a child with a broken arm. She was extremely anxious about parking restrictions around the Infirmary, she had already paid £2.50 and was deeply concerned about the consequences of parking in the Infirmary area.

Blackburn Council charge residents of the Infirmary area for parking permits.

They also prey on the visitors and patients to an extortionate level.

CHRIS SWIFT, Pleasington Lane, Blackburn.