I REFER to the letter from Phil Ormerod who, after spending money on numerous household products, is actually having a right old go at the council's bin collectors for not removing his cardboard boxes.

Whilst most of us would simply pop along to the local tip or recycling centre with our boxes, for some reason Mr Ormerod thinks the binmen should collect his.

He then says he is going to vote for another party under the illusion the Lib Dems would change the refuse collection system to include any amount of rubbish.

Is that like Lib Dem controlled Bolton Council who have just introduced fortnightly collections?

Or perhaps Tory controlled councils up and down the country who have done the same perhaps?

Frankly I am annoyed that some people seem to have the attitude that rather than get up off their backsides and sort their own excess rubbish, the council should do it for them.

Mr Ormerod can you imagine if all of the 58,000 houses in this borough did the same as you and left out piles of boxes for the wagons to collect?

The result would be chaos.

SHARON GRAY, Preston Old Road, Feniscliffe, Blackburn.