I WRITE in response to the article Fan sees red over ladies ban' featured in the LET, April 20.

It seems that even in this day and age, we ladies' who support our football clubs, are not seen to be equal to our male counterparts.

We are all entitled to views regarding this issue, but men will always have their own way when it comes to changes and we ladies' have to go along with these changes.

All decisions and any discussions surrounding any changes being made concerning our football clubs are made by the FA (all male).

Having followed my first chosen football team for some 30 plus years, I was deciding whether or not to support Accrington Stanley (as they have suggested maybe people support them as a second choice) when lo and behold this article appears only to make me consider whether they are worth supporting in view of the disappointed female fan' being informed that she could not bid on ebay just like any other supporter of the club.

Sam Blackburn (via email).