A NATURAL, logical progression of the Welsh and Scottish Assemblies would be for England to have our own assembly, purely to safeguard the interests of English people which are all too often forgotten due to political expediency.

Regional assemblies can be forgotten as another Government gimmick that only adds another tier of local Government. A majority voted against them anyway.

An English Assembly is required as soon as possible. All too often we see legislation pertaining to matters relating to England carried in Parliament only with the support of Welsh and Scottish MPs with not the slightest interest either to their constituents or countries.

One would think that their consciences would dictate that only English MPs should be allowed to vote on purely English matters, but when did an MP have a conscience?

Many people I have spoken to have similar thoughts, along with concerns regarding freedom of speech etc., but do not know whom or which way to turn in order to make their voices heard.

KENNETH GREENWOOD, Rydal Mount, Belthorn.