TWO stories interested me in the LET on December 29. The first was a letter which suggested that regionalisation was entering via the back door.

The Army has been regionalised and the Government want the police to go that way.

John Prescott failed in his attempt to introduce devolution to the people of the North East and a wounded Mr Prescott could come fighting back.

The writer of the letter has reasoned well so I now watch with interest.

The second article was the main headline Potty' which ran a story about the potholes in Parsonage Road, Rishton. Myself, my son and his friend have also fallen victim to these holes. The one which caught me was at the top of the hill and at night is invisible to drivers until you are over it.

The article read that Mike Johnson, legal officer at Lancashire County Council, had advised' drivers how to negotiate the potholes.

What expertise has Mr Johnson got in road safety? I would hazard a guess at none. Would he then be better employed trying to get more cash to improve the poor roads of Lancashire?A starting point could be John Prescott. He must have excess funds available from his devolution budget.

PETER SHAW, Whalley Road, Great Harwood.