As a regular dog walker, I welcomed the initiatives of Padiham Town Council in creating the linear park between Padiham and Rosegrove, and British Waterways in upgrading the canal towpath between Rosegrove and Hapton, both of which provide pleasant facilities for walkers and cyclists alike.

However, it is apparent that a small minority in our town have scant regard for these efforts.

On the linear path and without really trying, I counted no fewer than 120 piles of dog excrement. I did not bother counting in the grass verges. It was disgusting.

As a responsible dog owner, I always carry a bag to pick up my dog’s waste and I cannot understand why irresponsible dog owners have to be so callous and unthinking towards other members of society.

Then, last weekend. I encountered on the canal towpath a group of youths with two motor cycles leaning against a gate. I told them the towpath was not a motorcycle track, whereupon I received verbal abuse.

As I walked on, I was astonished to see three more motorcycles (none of which had registration plates) tearing along the towpath towards me at a reckless speed. I stood my ground and the leader of the group stopped and asked me what was wrong.

To my astonishment, he was in his 30s although the rest were 13 or 14. He ignored me when I told him that what he was doing was ridiculous and dangerous, so I said I was ringing the police. They drove away, but not before another torrent of verbal abuse.

These odious people, the underbelly of society, care not a jot for the feelings of others and have no respect for their environment or their elders. It is not just the damage they cause to the expensively renovated pathway that bothers me; it is the considerable danger they pose to walkers and cyclists. I appeal to the Water Authority to erect signs prohibiting the use of any mechanically propelled vehicles on the canal towpath. By the same token, could we please have signs on the linear park designating it a poop-scoop area?

Name and address supplied.