Most law-abiding folk welcomed the ban on mobile phone use by drivers as a case of common sense prevailing.

Perhaps now we could have a campaign to ban the use of mobile phones in the street, for similar health and safety reasons.

I have lost count of the times I have had to dodge an oncoming office worker who is too engrossed in their telephone conversation to notice me in their path.

It amazes me that our towns’ pavements are not littered with pedestrians injured in human collisions caused by people who seem to think crowds will simply part for them if they march through, head down, with a phone pressed to their ear.

For the sake of we who simply crave risk-free lunchtime walks, why not leave your phones in your office, or pocket, and for once just enjoy the fresh air and your surroundings.

The person you are speaking to will still be there in twenty minutes when you get back to your desk.

NAME and address supplied.