I think it is wrong for Bonfire Night event organisers to outlaw and ban the use of private sparklers because they are being health and safety killjoys who are basically denying children the only bit of fun they are able to have under supervision with their parents.

Do these fuddy-duddies and party-poopers not realise what it was like to have sparklers themselves on Bonfire Night – making pretty patterns, spelling names and enjoying the fun of it all?

The HSE, local councils and organisations are spoiling the youngsters’ fun by doing this, yet it can be made safer by putting out buckets of water to dispose of used sparklers as well as having a roped-off area for this sort of thing. If I organised an event, I wouldn’t ban sparklers but take the safety steps I mention to make it safer for those who do wish to use them without problems.

ANTHONY PERKINS, Plantation Street, Accrington.