I have read the report (LT, July 3) re. the development of the three villages in the area. We live, on occasions, in some sort of Alice in Wonderland world – which would be hilarious if it weren’t so ridiculous.

Why do the powers that be want to “develop” the three villages in question? It sometimes appears that the little people elected to council, etc, have to justify their existence by dreaming-up schemes of every or any description.

Or in a number of cases there may be something more sinister behind their ideas. Have the residents suggested that they want their areas developing? It appears not. Why does a councillor say: “The residents now need to say what they want to see happen in terms of development.”

Further, a planning officer states that they need to know what the residents want, not what they don’t want. This is nonsensical logic.

It is obvious what the residents want. They want to be left alone! They want no developments.

It is obvious that certain amenities could be introduced where desirable; but why should the council virtually insist that there should be developments?

Do we live in a democracy?

R BRACEWELL, Worsthorne, Burnley.