THE IRA hasn’t gone away, you know – famous last words by Gerry Adams.

Similarly, President Obama could find himself in the same cage with the big bear. Obama plays admirable ‘talk talk’ diplomacy with the Russians only this time he could have earned more money with the broadband provider than nibble at the ears of the bear! We are all God’s creatures, but bears bite when they are hungry, and that is when they show no respect for friend or foe. Barack, please tread carefully. Do not break a branch.

Who would have dreamt China would resort to ethnic cleansing to show its power? Almost every household goods purchased from the high street is made in China! I dare say the cement slabs in my garden come from China.

However, they do not own me and they cannot tell me where to lay my slabs, which is precisely the problem with Western China. It’s a crazy world.

FRANCIS APALOO Shear Bank Road, Blackburn