Last week in voting for the European Parliament, only 43 per cent decided to cast their vote, an all-time low.

We have just celebrated D - Day when 65 years ago many soldiers gave their lives to begin the process of overthrowing the evil Third Reich and ensured that 365,000,000 people across Europe today were free to vote without hindrance and fear.

While I recognise the Europeans Parliament’s lack of legitimacy I still think people have a duty to cast a vote for whoever they wish to vote for to pay their debt to those who gave their lives to give us this freedom.

The problem is that in Britain we take living in a democracy for granted whereas in many parts of the world they live under regimes who rule their people with a rod of iron and are answerable to no-one.

Living in a free and democratic country is priceless. We need to realise how fortunate we are in Britain.

In a year’s time there will be a General Election when the people of Britain will be free to either re-elect the Government or to vote in a new Government.

Sadly, this is not the case in many parts of the world who live under one-party dictatorships.

So let us not take democracy for granted. Remember it was bought with a price Councillor David Pearson, St Michaels Court, Blackburn.