I WAS pleased to read (LT, August 30) that Mr M Diack has joined the campaign to ensure that the names of local heroes, who gave their lives for their country, are displayed on local memorials.

I urge him to start now to compile a list of the Clitheroe citizens for the roll of honour, and not wait until funds are available.

Having a list will add weight to his campaign.

Over the last 10 years I have voluntarily and unassisted trawled through the Commonwealth War Graves Commission’s website and the local newspapers to compile a list of the men and women of Nelson who have given their lives for their country in various conflicts over the years. The numbers are: South African War 1899-1902 1, WW1 944, WW2 251, Korea 1, Northern Ireland 2.

As part of the regeneration of Nelson town centre, Pendle Council has agreed to erect, in front of the library, a new memorial bearing all the names.

At the request of the Nelson and District Branch of the Royal British Legion, the council has agreed to have the memorial ready for dedication in October 2009.

If Mr Diack contacts his local branch of the RBL I am sure they will support him in lobbying the local council.

I would like to wish Mr Diack all success in his efforts.