I STRONGLY object to the proposals to install bus lanes in Darwen.

They are not needed and are not in the best interests of the people of Darwen and could, in my opinion, cause traffic chaos.

The majority of shoppers rely on easy accessibility to shops on Blackburn Road, which would be denied if bus lanes were introduced.

Retailers would lose out and people who worked in the shops would be at risk of losing their jobs.

We do not have the same problems as the big cities and buses in Darwen and Blackburn seem to have no problems with access and, from what I can gather, have no problems running on time.

The whole scheme is going to cost £50million, of which I understand the Government will pay 90 per cent, but cost is irrelevant if the increase in accidents is forthcoming.

The inconvenience to road users will be exacerbated and this will not ease problems for either the buses or other road users.

I was rung by a lady on Saturday carrying out a survey on the subject, and she gave me the names of the roads and streets that would be severely restricted in parking their cars in front of their own properties.

I was told Broderick Street, Lindhurst Road, Windsor Street, Cavendish Street, Preston Street, Haldane Road, Monton Road, Westwell Street and St Alban’s Road would all be restricted.

So I would suggest that all people living in these areas go to the public meeting on July 9 at Derwent Hall.

I believe the meeting starts at 6pm. It is important that people voice their opinions and objections otherwise certain residents could have problems parking their cars outside their homes.

As the lady who was carrying out the survey said: “We are asking people for their opinions on the scheme.” I can only say go to the meeting and tell them what you think.

The £50million could be spent in a far more constructive way and I suggest that the local council be allowed to judge what is in the best interests of Darwen and Blackburn rather than central government deciding.

After all, the local councillors have the experience and knowledge of what is going on in their own wards than anyone from London.

S SIMPSON, Ross Street, Darwen.