I WAS encouraged when I read that a full council motion was passed to hold a referendum for Darwen to have its own council (LT, September 8).

However, at the very end of the article I read with dismay that the council also passed a pledge put forward by councillors Dave Hollings and Maureen Bateson to support the Redearth Triangle site as the best location for the proposed Darwen Academy.

Can any council officer please tell me just what are the envisaged benefits of such an overwhelmingly unpopular choice of site which has already brought about the downfall of the ruling Labour council?

What or who is driving these councillors to make this pledge?

Could the public also be informed why Rod Aldridge threatened to withdraw his financial support if compulsory purchase of property at the Redearth site was refused (Lancashire Telegraph, June 13)?

If his patronage is intended to benefit all future Darwen scholars, it should not matter which site is chosen.

Or is there to be a further planning agenda for the Moorland site of which the public have yet to be informed?

HARRY BLACKWELL, Dandy Row, Darwen.