AFTER coming to my car at 9.10pm on Wednesday, August 29, I observed a screaming pack of youths in the Towngate centre off Great Harwood.

I had read recently that four or more youths assembled together would be dispersed pronto.

Well, I can assure readers that I ran out of fingers and toes counting bodies with cigarettes sticking out of mouths, male and female screaming obscenities.

These were kids no more than 12 or 13 years old. Where was anyone in authority to control these youngsters, is it any wonder that they go off the rails?

I believe the police station up the road closes at 9pm. Ironically that's about the time when trouble starts on the streets.

The group of people I am involved with are mostly aged 60 years to 78 and it is so unnerving being out at night when we should feel safe.

FRANCIS CROSS, Eagle Street, Accrington.