NEAR our sheltered bungalows we are having extensive building work for one of the new super schools' Twenty yards away, eight mature beautiful trees have lost, or will shortly lose their lives.

All the wild creatures that lived in and around the building site are having their homes, feeding areas and play areas, torn asunder by men in huge earth moving machines. Progress?

On Saturday night, my elderly cat -- who has no teeth and was a stray - brought, a four and a half inch baby rabbit into her safe home and dropped it on to my lap.

After all the cruelty and sadistic goings on there is still hope if a dumb' animal like an old moggy can show such intelligent compassion, knowing I could help and save this tiny rabbit.

The rabbit, courtesy of the RSPCA, will be hand fed until able to be released into an area that is myxomatosis free.

This act of pure love is wiped out by another species - the homo sapien.

So who is the most valuable, most superior species on this earth - not us that is for sure.

MRS M PICKERING, address supplied.