WHAT great news that, after 24 years, the Labour party are not in control of Blackburn Council.

I, at last, welcome a group likely not to take power for granted and to really think about the policies that they implement.

The Conservative-led group now have a chance to seize upon the move away from the Labour party in both the borough and the country and win more seats in next year's elections.

Like in many other Conservative-led councils, the party now has a duty to show that it is ready for government not just at local level, but at national level as well.

Making a success of councils such as Blackburn with Darwen is a key part of that duty and I wish all councillors, whether Conservative, Liberal Democrat or For Darwen, the best of luck.

Thank you for rising above party politics and reaching an agreement to benefit the borough.

SIMON WILKINSON, Heaning Avenue, Blackburn.