I AM pleased to see that the Telegraph is heading a campaign to help prevent more young lives being wasted by not driving carefully enough on the road.

A few weeks ago I was at the top of Saunders Road in Blackburn, waiting for a gap in the traffic flowing along the busy Preston New Road, when a car behind me with a young lad at the wheel, blasted his horn and waved his hand telling me to go on.' When it was safe to do so I moved on.

Of course this young man followed me closely, itching to overtake. At the Billinge End traffic lights I continued straight ahead.

He was still on my tail and suddenly he could wait no longer and swerved over to the opposite side of the road, narrowly missing a bollard in the middle, on the right hand side, and then passed a speed camera at 50-60mph, overtaking everyone.

This incident could have resulted in loss of life of not only the young driver, but innocent people as well.

The driver knew that the speed camera was not working, why is this? Between Billinge End and Yew Tree Drive there are two speed cameras and this is the second time I have witnessed motorists speeding past them while everyone else is driving under 30 mph.

There could have been a serious accident that day. If speed cameras are always working correctly then maybe they could save lives.

GEORGE HARDMAN, Mitton Road, Whalley.