HOW long will it be before the Government wakes up and instigates boot camps for the evil yobbos and evil doers of society?

Politicians just seem to talk about changing the face of everyday life, without action.

Sad to say, much of the crime is being carried out by the young, who seem to be embroiled in gun culture, and worse, believing this to be macho.' It starts at a minor level, similar to the invalid pensioner who had the brake cable cut on his scooter.

And another crime is robbing people by trickery in their own homes. Most of these people are disabled and unable to fend for themselves. At a later stage the terrible crimes of these louts become more serious.

I know I am harping back to yeteryear, but National Service taught the young discipline and comradeship, and able to help others in time of need.

Please stop this pussyfooting of lenient sentences, and put the thugs where they belong under strict supervision where they are told how to behave, so that in time they may see the light.

Any further law-breaking should certainly get a stiffer prison sentence.

When we were younger we respected the elderly members of our society, and such things as muggings were rarely heard of.

MRS ROSEMARY SPEDDING, Oswald Street, Accrington.