I DON'T normally complain about police speed traps as there is nothing we can do about them, but this time I really think they have gone too far.

On Haslingden Road, Blackburn, they have just altered the road layout after moving the hospital entrance, made new pavements, removed the mini-roundabout and placed traffic calming islands to slow traffic down, along with a static speed camera that has always been there.

The road itself has little housing, no schools and doesn't even have the hospital access anymore, along with the fact I have never seen an accident on that road.

It has annoyed me that the police or council appears to have made a purpose-built layby outside the hospital to place mobile speed traps.

Now I know people do speed along it and the police will say that's a good enough reason to have a speed trap, but in my opinion it is a revenue-building trap, not a campaign for road safety.

I was led to believe speed cameras were only used on accident blackspots and as far as my knowledge goes, this isn't one.

I saw a mobile speed trap there on Sunday, April 1 at 10am.

I wasn't speeding so I was fine, but there was nothing else on the road, no pedestrians, dogs or anything, yet there they were, ready to catch anyone who was slightly over the limit.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for slowing down traffic near schools, built-up areas or heavy pedestrian places, but sometimes they go too far and this is a case in point that they are only after money and not doing it for safety reasons.

KIMBERLEY HARGREAVES, Manxman Road, Blackburn.